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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  March 6, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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being a tyrant and tough guy, there he is, riding around on his little horsey, okay. that's all we have. that's all we had. trying to bring some manly men to the women. >> it never the fight for the soul of the republican party. it begins by trying to unite divided conservatives. this is "special report." good evening. i'm bret baier. a host of republicans unofficially positioning themselves for a presidential run in two years are doing their best to preach to the choir this weekend. the conservative choir. potential 2016 contenders are staking out ground during emotional sessions in which they all agree that obamacare has been bad and president obama has been worse. chief political correspondent
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carl cameron has tonight's top story from national harbor, maryland >> reporter: annual political action conference known as cpac drew nine potential 2016 presidential candidates, none faced more scrutiny than new jersey governor chris christie who drew the biggest crowd and got a lukewarm response when he aligned with pragmatists in the gop who say sometimes ideology must take a back seat for election victories. >> we don't get to govern if we don't win. >> christie got snubbed last year as insufficiently covertive and got invited this year. he said republicans shouldn't led the media brand them as on trucksists and that republicans need solutions to get things done. >> we need leaders now who are willing to say not only that we are against obamacare, which we are. we need leaders that are not only going to say we're against higher taxes, which we are. we're against a bigger government. we're against more intrusion into our constitutional rights. we're against all those things, but we need to also talk about
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what we're for. >> christie got a standing ovation by the end of his remarks. in contrast, texas senator and tea party fire brand ted cruz got a consistently enthusiastic reception as he accused establishment republicans of caving and being ideologically suspect. >> the way to do it, the smart way, the washington way is don't stand against obamacare, don't stand against the debt ceiling, don't stand against nothing. you want to lose elections, stand for nothing. >> crud rammed home his point with a of the remember of establishment gop white house hopefuls who failed. >> of course, all of us remember president dole. and president mccain and president romney. look, those are good men. they are decent men, but when you don't stand and draw a clear distinction when you don't stand for principle, democrats celebrate >> reporter: latest fox poll 47% of republicans say kentucky senator rand paul would make a good president. christie and cruz trail the pack. congressman paul ryan, the 2012
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gop vice president nominee south a middle ground emphasizing the gop's unity of purpose. >> i don't see a great divide in our party. what i see is a vibrant debate. sure, we have our disagreements, and, yes, they can get a little passionate. i like to think of it as creative tension. >> reporter: florida senator marco rubio suggested the president's extreme left my way or the highway promotes class warfare and division. >> because their policies fail they resort to what the left always resort, to dividing people against each other. >> reporter: rubio spend the most time on foreign policy and ripped the president as weak, shallow and immature. >> we cannot ignore the flawed foreign policy of the last several years has brought us to this stage because we have a president that believes by the sheer force of his personality he would be able to shape global events. >> reporter: noting the obama administration's foreign policy challenges, louisiana governor bobby jindal took a sarcastic
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shot with an apology to a former commander in chief. >> to president carter, i want to issue a sincere apology. it is no longer fair to say he was the worst president of this great country in my lifetime. president obama has proven me wrong. >> reporter: several other gop white house wannabes addressed the conference friday, including senator rand paul, a tea party darling works won the big cpac straw poll here last year. texas governor rick perry, former pennsylvania senator rick santorum and iowa caw koss winner mike huckabee. four other potential candidates are not here, indiana governor mike pence and governor scott walker with involved in budget battles back home, ohio questionion kasich and florida florida governor jeb bush were also invited. movement conservatives attend every year and this time around it acts as the first major cattle call of the 2016 presidential cycle sponsored by the american conservative union which is 50 years old this year, and the results of that big straw poll will come saturday
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afternoon at 4:00. bret? >> carl, thank you. who do you think will win the cpac straw poll saturday. let me know at facebook or on twitter @bretbaier and use the #specialreport. fox team coverage on obamacare delays. how the most recent postponements will affect enrollment and we bin chief white house correspondent ed henry on how the administration is trying to sell its latest change of plans. >> reporter: good evening, bret, trying to sell it as simply trying to smooth things out, but tonight even hillary clinton may not be fully on board with that. with weaker than expected hispanic signups for his health care law, president obama had a town hall today with two spanish language networks, but was confronted with another problem, questions about why he delayed a key piece of his own law yet again. >> on a program like this that has so many people involved and
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millions of people who are trying to find health insurance or get better health insurance, there are always going to be some smoothing out of the process that has to take place. >> reporter: what the president downplayed as smoothing out was quickly derided by speaker john boehner. >> the truth you is can't fix this law. it needs to be torn out by its roots. >> reporter: even though the white house defended the president's broken promise if you like your plan you can keep it by saying such individual plans were substandard this move allows people to keep those same plans through 2016 meaning it could prevent a wave of new consolation notices right before the next two elections. >> you can't find a democrat in town who won't admit that this was a political decision, and i think it was implicit in the comments that the white house officials made when they said it was crafted with the help of vulnerable senate democrats. >> reporter: white house spokesman jay carney denied politics played a role. >> why then are you allowing people to keep these substandard plans for a couple more years
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past the mid-term election? >> reporter: the fact of the matter is that we are working to implement the afford and care act so that millions of americans request have the benefits of quality affordable health insurance. >> reporter: except one of the architects of the law, ezekiel emanuel, suggested otherwise writing in a new book, quote, in the short term the aca has been a political disaster for president obama and the democrats, and it has left the obama administration in a perpetually defensive stance, depleted of the political capital needed to achieve progress in other important policy areas such as immigration and the federal budget. while emanuel does go on to right that he thinks beyond 2020 the law will be seen as a major achievement for the president, senate democrats are thinking more short term and are staring at some difficult polls. asked to rate the obama administration on health care in a new fox poll, 57% said the administration has mostly failed, 36% said it has mostly succeeded which may explain why
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hillary clinton, testing the waters for 2016, seem to start distancing herself a little yesterday. >> i believe that we have to get through this election, and it's very important to try to do a better job than has been done very frankly in explaining the benefits. >> reporter: now republican peter roscom introduced a bill that would create a special inspector general to monitor the affordable care act. he says american people need to have oversight of the implementation and the taxpayer funding of the law. bret? >> ed henry live on the north lawn. ed, thank you. many critics are howling that the moves to delay some requirements of obamacare are blatantly political in a crucial election year. well, tonight chief national correspondent jim angle on how those changes affect the massive health care law. >> reporter: allowing individual plans to extend for at least two more years may wreak havoc on the insurance exchanges and many state officials refuse to even go along. >> state insurance commissioners that regulate them, want more people in the exchange because
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they want to state pool. they want people to lose their coverage so they have to go into the exchange. >> reporter: because they need young and healthy to offset the older and sicker. >> they will be overcharged and those overcharges pay for the insurance for the sick, but the healthy get to keep insurance they already have and don't go into the exchange then the insurance and the exchanges becomes a small, very sick, very costly pool. >> reporter: and the smaller the pool, the greater the risk, with only about three weeks left, officials have far fewer than the 6 million to 7 million exchange signups they were looking for. >> we currently have over 4 million enrolled in the marketplace, and you may have seen the recent blog or report about 8.9 million in medicaid. >> reporter: president obama erroneously told a group that all those signing up for medicaid, health care for the poor, are are getting care for the first time, but other officials gently corrected that. >> if you read some of the other reports somewhere probably between 2.5 and 3.5 are new
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enrollments in medicaid. >> reporter: that means the administration has 7.5 million at the outside and less than half the original projections, and even that might be too high because those who sign up but don't pay are not actually enrolled. some analysts question not only how many have paid but also whether they will keep paying. >> reporter: people who go in the individual market tend to be people who have lower incomes, and so a car repair or something like that is going to end up taking that extra money that they have, and they can't make that health insurance payment. >> reporter: and if they stop, so does their insurance. >> you can easily have by the end of the year roughly 30% to 40%, maybe 50% drop out because they couldn't continue paying their premium. >> reporter: and there's an even broader question. how many signing up were previously uninsured? >> there's only about a million people who have acquired insurance in the exchanges who didn't have insurance before. >> reporter: now, non-partisan projections say that will leave about 45 million uninsured at
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the end of the first full year of obamacare. bret? >> jim, thank you. productivity grew at an annual rate of just 1.8% in the final three months of last year. that's significantly lower than the 3.2 initial estimate for the year. productivity increased a mere half a percentage point. the dow was up today, 62. the s&p 500 gained 3. the nasdaq dropped 6. up next, breaking up may be hard to do for ukraine, but it appears to be happening. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates across country are covering tonight. fox 12 in providence, rhode island, with a huge turnout of first responders for a boy battling cancer for the second time. tyler settin turned 7 years old. his mom asked for cards from first responders on social media. well, at least 185 police vehicles, 12 police motorcycles, 30 pieces of fire apparatus and heros from as far away as
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california showed up. fox 9 in the twin cities with a forecast that el nino will mean a hotter summer and a warmer winter in minnesota. and this is a live look at miami from our fox affiliate there, wsvf. the big story is justin bieber's return to miami. he's giving a deposition in a lawsuit brought against him by photogra photographer. bieber faces a hearing next week on charges of driving while intoxicated and resisting arrest. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. [ dennis ] it's always the same dilemma -- who gets the allstate safe driving bonus check. rock beats scissors! [ chuckles ] wife beats rock. and with two checks a year, everyone wins. [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving
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superpowers against each other only diplomatically so far. senior foreign affairs correspondent amy kellogg is in kiev tonight. >> reporter: there was a pro-russian demonstration outside the ciman parliament today before lawmakers there voted to leave ukraine and join russia. crimea's deputy prime minister says the ukrainian army is no longer welcome in crimea. somewhat confusingly the parliament also decided to actually put this all to the people of crimea on march 16th. either way ukraine's new government called the actions illegitimate. >> translator: it's not a referendum. it is a farce and a fake and a crime against the state which is organized by the russian federation's military. >> president obama having signed an executive order authorizing sanctions on those responsible for violating the sovereignty andtory tarrial integrity of ukraine expressed his disapproval of the ciman plan. >> any discussion about the future of ukraine must include
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the legitimate government of ukraine. in 2014 we are well beyond the days when borders can be redrawn over the heads of democratic leaders. >> russia is dangerous. i would say russia is not friendly. as you probably realized. and putting russian boots on the ground and russian tanks is unacceptable in the 21st century. >> reporter: a ciman lawmaker who tells fox news he was barred from the meeting along with others who would voted no calls his own province's actions illegitimate while russian lawmakers are busy clearing the way for russians to join them. ukrainian tv stations are being taken off the air there. meanwhile in brussels where the ukrainian prime minister met with european diplomats, ways to punish russia for its actions in ukraine were discussed. in rome, secretary of state john kerry said he and his european partners are on the same page, that he and his russian counterpart have so far failed to reach agreement and the
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dialogue goes on. stick and carrot continue. the possibility of war with russia seems remote tom ukrainians who fought their old government last month in kiev, and for these people the revolution is not over. even as some of the new government's leaders are off in europe doing the diplomatic dance, a lot of people say that the real power of ukraine lies here in these tents, not in some ivory tower, not in some dictator's palace but in this what you might even call a congas. these tents represent different regions of ukraine, and they are going to stay here on the square and take the new government to task. ukraine's government should be working to put its economic house in order now but its hands are full with provocations popping up in corners of the country far from kiev, the work of or at least in the name of russia. in kiev, amy kellogg, fox news. >> a witness in the murder trial of south african sports hero oscar pistorius says the olympian wept, prayed and tried to help his girlfriend breathe
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after he shot her on valentine's day of last year. pistorius held his head in his hands during the testimony today. radiologist johan steib said he tried to help but the woman showed no signs of life. pistorius says he mistook her for an intruder. still ahead the american military on the move while russia literally sinks one of its own ships on purpose. first, can the president hold together his own party ahead of the mid-term elections. when jake and i first set out on our own, we ate anything. but in time you realize the bett you eat, the better you feel. these days we both eat smarter. and i give jake purina cat chow naturals. made with real chicken and salmon, anit's high in protein like aow cat's natural diet. and no added artificial flavors. we've come a long way. and whatever's ahead,
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battle in the senate yesterday and has several more still in play. here's correspondent jan thon breen. >> the motion fails. >> reporter: and just like that the president's nominee to head the justice department's civil rights division was blocked by the senate with the help of seven democrats. the senate majority leader was an additional last-minute no, a procedural move that could force him to have a revote in the future. >> certainly a tough battle and conformation. this vote was a tough one politically. >> reporter: senior white house officials were reportedly furious to advance the nominee, and with more difficult votes on the horizon, will the white house be able to count on its troops on capitol hill? >> well, a second term is a depreciating asset, and with each passion day the president's clout is a little bit less, and while he's focused on his legacy, the members are focused on their legacies, too, the foremost item of which is their
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re-election. >> reporter: the house has passed bipartisan legislation that would rein in the epa's regulatory power over the coal industry, power the president has backed while pushing green energy sources. and a growing number of democrats like louisiana's mary landrieu, facing a tough re-election fight this fall, are publicly pressuring the president to approve the keystone pipeline. there's also concern about how solid democrat support would be for a strong push on controversial issues the administration has struggled to advance, like beefing up gun control. as his approval ratings are hitting a new low, the president's powers of persuasion may also be receding, and the star power he once brought to the campaign trail appears to be cooling for democrats locked in heated races. >> he's not even showing up in their home states. sending bill clinton and michelle obama, everyone but the president, so, listen, his popularity is down. this whole obamacare thing is a mess, fast and furious, benghazi, i can go on and on >> reporter: latest showdown between the white house and senate democrats is over a new
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round of sanctions for iran. there is a measure which has bipartisan support under the leadership of senate foreign relations chairman democrat bob menendez.president obama has vowed to veto the measure if it gets to his desk. bret? >> real bad numbers for the men and women who represent you on capitol hill. a new fox news poll says two-thirds of you would vote out every member of congress if you could. the congressional job approval has dipped to 12%. 78% of you disapprove of what's going on on capitol hill behind me. you will not believe what one man is getting away with on the boston subway, and getting things done for long beach, apparently from all the way down in san diego. the grapevine is next. [ male announcer ] away...
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now some fresh news from the political grapevine. it's legal in massachusetts to take pictures up women's skirts. the massachusetts supreme court has thrown out the conviction of a man arrested for upskirting on the subway after ruling he did not break any laws. massachusetts has a peeping tom law that prohibits photographing someone nude or partially nude while in a dressing room or bathroom but a b.u. because the women on the train were fully clothed the judge ruled it was
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not illegal under the wording of the law for the man to shoot video and pictures up their skirts and dresses. the massachusetts senate president is pledging to quickly pass a bill that fixes the apparent loophole. quote, i am in disbelief that the courts would come to this kind of decision and outraged at what it means for women's privacy and public safety. apparent geography confusion this morning on npr as the national review's jonah goldberg noticed. a story on the failure of the senate to confirm debo adegbele. they reported a handful of southern democrats joined republicans yesterday to defeat president obama's choice to head the justice department's civil rights division. but of the eight senators who voted no, only one is from the historic south, mark pryor of arkansas. last time we checked delaware, pennsylvania, west virginia, indiana, montana, nevada and north dakota are not southern states. goldberg wrote in his piece,
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quote, not exactly sons of the confederacy. npr later tweeted jonah, quote, thanks for catching. i'm told the story was written senate but was mistakenly said live as southern. later feeds corrected. and finally taking a second look at your stock photos. the "los angeles times" reports long beach senatorial candidate sent out this, getting things done for long beach. one problem, that is the san diego skyline, not long beach. the campaign manager has taken full responsibility for what has become an all too common mistake. last year then new york mayoral candidate anthony weiner's campaign website accidentally used a photo of the pittsburgh skyline. the u.s. is shuffling some of its military assets around in response to the russian incursion on crimea. the white house says president
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obama spoke for an hour this afternoon with russian leader vladimir putin. president obama indicated that there is a way to resolve the situation diplomatically, but there is no serious talk of using force just days after huge defense cuts were announced. national security correspondent jennifer griffin on what the u.s. and russia are doing tonight. >> reporter: in a dramatic move to consolidate its hold over crimea the russian navy sank one of its own junked anti-submarine vessels creating a naval blockade effectively trapping ukraine's navy inside danislov lake. after weeks of sitting on the sidelines the pentagon moved warplanes to the balticss, six f-16 fighter jets to patrol along russia's border, a largely symbolic movement officials in poland expect the u.s. to send a does f-16 jets and 300 troops for a training exercise, though the pentagon says no decision has been made, and the ""uss truxton"" left greece en route
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to the black sea as part of a routine rotation. >> sending a few fighter jets into the baltic states doesn't send a message that mr. putin can understand. the only message he understands is oh, and the only legitimate power that he fears on the borders of ukraine is some form of ground presence in poland or the baltic states. >> reporter: yet for a second day on capitol hill the u.s. defense secretary and joint chiefs chairman took questions about deep budget cuts from sequestration and reducing the size of the army. >> the white house fact sheets make it clear that defense is not a priority in this budget. >> this is not the military the president nor i want. it isn't the military that this committee or this congress wants for america's future, but it is the path we are on unless congress does something to change the law. >> we're et eating away at nation's readiness for conflict which does reduce our deterrent capability. >> reporter: in addition to the u.s. defense cuts, it's not lost
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on putin that the uk and germany has standing armies of just 81,000 and 51,000 troops respectively. bret? >> jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thank you. the senate has blocked a bill that would have stripped senior military commanders of their authority to prosecute rapes and other serious offenses in the rpgs. the measure from new york democratic senator kirsten gillibrand was opposed by the pentagon. she acknowledged she was disappointed, because she says the outcome might have been different if president obama had supported the bill. a less controversial bill from senator claire mccaskill advanced to a likely vote next week. the fight for the future of the republican party. it's going on right now just down the road at cpac of we'll talk about it with the fox all stars when we come back.
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the reason we have to start talking about what we're for an
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not continuing to rail against what we're against is because of one simple reason. our ideas are better than their ideas. >> this president, his liberal allies, he don't trust the american people to make decisions for ourselves. >> because their policies fail, they resort to what the left always resorts to, dividing people against each other. >> i think the left is exhausted. our side is energized, and on election day we're going to win. >> how do we win elections, in the contrast between corrupt washington and the american people we stand with the american people. >> just a little flavor from cpac today just down the road going on all this week with a big straw poll on saturday. some possible presidential candidates in that mix will likely be running. they are running already. let's bring in our panel, syndicated columnist george will, juan williams columnist
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with "the hill" and tucker carlson host of "fox & friends weekend." tucker, your thoughts on this and what is setting up in the republican party, cpac in particular. >> you can tell who the high school debate was. i mean, ted cruz with k talk and it matters in a venue like cpac and in the primary states, especially the early primary states, but i'm with christie on one point. it would worth hearing a clear articulation of what republicans are for and that's missing and the reason it's missing there's no consensus. the republican party, conservative movement for free trade, interventionist foreign policy? where is it on a whole host of issues? there's no consensus and coalition parts of the party disagree. no union set of beliefs other than opposing obama which i think is a worthy goal but it's not a world view and at some point it would be nice to see a gathering like cpac debate it out. let's figure out what we're for. >> christie's big line, obviously his coming out party after all this controversy, juan, was we don't get to govern if we don't win.
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we need ws on the board. here is the latest fox poll in regards to chris christie. he has taken a big drop in the polls as of late. now 24% say he would mick a good president. obviously some fallout from bridgegate in new jersey, perhaps other things as well. juan? >> well, i meaning the big attraction of chris christie to the republicans is he's electable, that he does well with democrats and independents and has proven that in new jersey. that is no longer operative given what's happened with the scandals, and i think that's what's reflected in those numbers. you see some drop-off also among republicans, but not as much as you do with the democrats and independents. and among republicans there's some people who view chris christie now as a victim of a democratic mass media, mainstream media attack, that they are piling on him like msnbc and all the rest, but chris christie, when he speaks about ideas and electability, is
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very interesting, and he's just got to somehow now try to rebuild that trust, not only among the conservative base that's at cpac, but he's got to be able to persuade republicans of his worthiness in the general election rebuild some of the bridges, no pun intended, with democrats and independents. >> george, thoughts? >> you're right. msnbc has been a great benefit to christie. msnbc has a most one-track mind, and it's just been obsessed with him, and my enemy's enemy is my friend so a lot of people that were warming up to him, so my impression was that if there's a civil war in the republican party, it's an awfully civil civil war. tucker, you talked about how little consensus there is. i think that's why it's a civil place, that heterodoxy has broken out all over the place in the conservative movement. on foreign policy you have the mccain and lindsey graham wing and all the way over to rand paul and in between. perfectly acceptable at cpac.
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11,000 people there, many of them young, had to move it out of washington because it outgrew the washington hotels. it's perfectly possible to go there and be happy and be in favor of same-sex marriage. >> i popped over there today, you're right. it is a lot of young people. all the talk about the republican party being older, it was booming with young people. you're talking also about the foreign policy. we're in a situation now with this situation in ukraine. marco rubio spent the most time of the people today talking about foreign policy. take a listen to this sound bite. >> i don't like to make these issues of national security partisan but it's important that our country be united in moments like this, but we cannot ignore that the flawed foreign policy of the last few years has brought us to this stage, because we have a president who believes that by the sheer force of his personality he would be able to shape global events. >> spent the most time, and obviously he spends the most time talking about it on -- when he goes out and gives speeches.
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tucker, there is that dichotomy that george talks about between the rand pauls and the marco rubios. >> well, and it's entirely real, and it's passionate and likely to bubble up, i would think, with some violence when this actually becomes a presidential campaign because they are incompatible world views. there are some people who look at what's going hon in ukraine and say russia has an interest in ukraine because its natural pipelines flow through the country so, of course, they will be involved and others who say this is a sign that the president is weak. we ought to be sending troops to ukraine for whatever reason. i mean, those -- can those two groups co-exist in a party? maybe they can, but, boy, that's an awfully big tent. >> it's also interesting to see people that fire up those crowds, and donald trump is one of those people speaking today. >> i think in 2016 you'll probably be running against hillary. i think it's going to be a tough race, but i think it's going to be a race that by that time we'll be so bad that the
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republicans will likewise take that and then you can actually end obamacare which is a total catastrophe, a total catastrophe. >> he started saying it doesn't have a teleprompter and had a lot of applause lines in there. >> you know, there are people that fire up and they are young and there's a strong talk radio flavor to the entire gathering. you know, mitch mcconnell, the republican leader in the senate, walks out with a gun, you know, and you talk about the lack of division. i notice that had john boehner is nowhere to be seen, especially after his conflict last year with senator cruz. cruz, on the other hand, fires them up, as you were describing. i think he's a great talker, and then also you see this kind of donald trump element come out where he can just -- he just says whatever he wants and the crowd goes wild. they love that stuff so it's a love-in to that extent. >> but how does that play going forward, george? i mean, like on -- when the party moves to the next spot.
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tomorrow we'll hear from rand paul and this -- this difference between ted cruz and rand paul for the heart of cpac really. rand paul won the straw poll last year and the going bet is that ted cruz has a good chance this year. >> let's revisit the straw poll. 1995, phil gramm won, it 1998 steve forbes won, it 1999, anyone going to guess gary bauer, 2005 rudy giuliani and 2006 george allen. >> all made good presidents. >> president dole, president mccain, president romney. >> yes. >> and we shall see, you know. tucker said cruz sure can talk. if you're a painter, you want to be seen to be a painter. if you're a sculptor people want to say, what a sculptor. i'm not sure if you're an orator people want to say what an
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orator he is. i worry about the high school debater. >> i'm easily impressed and he's fluent. he can talk, and i don't know if he wins anybody over, but, you know, if you're interested in grammar interesting to see him congre conjugate those verbs at high speed. >> next up, the changing face of obamacare. check it out. i can't believe your mom has a mom cave! today i have new campbell's chuy spicy chicken quesadilla soup.
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on a program like this, that has so many people involved, and millions of people who are trying to find health insurance or get better health insurance, there are always going to be some smoothing out of the process that has to take
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place. >> why then are you allowing people to keep these substandard plans for a couple more years to get it past the midterm election? >> no. the fact of the matter is, is that we are working to implement the affordable care act so that millions of americans can have the benefits of quality affordable health insurance. >> the president calls it smoothing out, another big change in obamacare. another delay. this as ezekiel immanuel, one of the architects of abomb that care, the affordable care act writes this: quote in the short-term the aca, affordable care act has been a political disaster for obama manhattan democrats. it has left the administration in a per at the time actually defensive stance depleted of the political capital need to achieve progress in other foreign policy areas such as
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immigration and the federal gujt. beginning in 2020 the aca will increasingly be seen as a world historical achievement. we're back with the panel. george, beginning in 2020. >> that's how many more election cycles before we wake up to this? >> if hillary clinton is the nominee, she has to get through first term? >> by now this is both amusing and amazing. it's amusing because with metro nomic new day office pools on what will be delayed next about. this it's amazing, because this is called his signature achievement. it's not his signature achievement of the affordable care act is only only achievement. he didn't get cap and trade, climate change. worst recovery on record. this has all he has got and he has paid this huge price for it it's one of the reasons the democrats lost the house in 2010.
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it's the reason may lose the senate in 2014. yet he won't defend it mandates, taxes, regulations. as soon as people get unhappy with it, he delays it it he retreats from it now, if he won't fight for it at this point and insist that it makes sense and stay the course to use reagan's old language, who will? he is not even running for office ever again. who will defend it if he won't? so we're on. >> again, the delay, we're on a number of different delays, here is the president again talking about this, that it's working. >> it doesn't mean that at some point there won't be some additional problems or improvements that we can make. >> [inaudible] >> at this point i think actually it is working the way it should. >> it's working the way it should, juan.
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if it's working the way it should, why are they delaying key parts of it past 2016? >> i think to take away the political pressure that exists. >> but that's not working the way it should then. >> no. the political pressures have been intense. clearly, that's the one thing any republican you bump into will say they hate obamacare. >> of course, when you writing the law well if the political pressures get tight then we are going to punt. >> no. but if you have some democrats who are extremely vulnerable, the playing field this year, specially in the senate as george was saying, definitely favors republicans. this is an effort to say to those people, look, obamacare is not going to be a problem for you to try to remove some of that criticism, the potential also that some of these policies might be cancelled right before the elections this year. and going forward, that some of the rate increases would be minimized in terms of their political impact. but, you know, the overwhelming thing to me, listening to george is i so
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strongly disagree. i think that the president is actually right, that if you look at this program absent the tremendously flawed computers at the start, the idea that somehow now there are three or 4 million people already signed up would suggest there is a hunger in the american public for better equality healthcare. >> just a point of order here. remember, this was not about the rollout today. what they said today was great news, you get to keep the substandard policies that have been fisted upon you by bad apple insurers. >> correct. and remember the criticism that came from republicans which is the president lied to you, you don't get to keep the plan you want. >> just to clarify, juan. >> yes. >> when republicans set this should be changed and this should be delayed, it was, like the sky was falling. and this was the worst thing ever. you should not change. this it should go ahead. >> right delay is happening. and it's just smoothing out
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the kinks. >> well, remember, a lot of the state insurance commissions are not going to go along with this anyway. he is trying to smooth out a kink that is for a small percentage of people in the individual market. >> please be really quick. they are not even pretending jay carney's pathetic denial outunderstanding is political. in the denouncement of the delay they appointed to among others mary landrieu in louisiana and -- both voting for the law and now running away from it. this is absolutely an attempt to hold the senate in 2014. what nobody remembers is you can't do obamacare halfway it doesn't work as a numbers question. young people participating without delay without penalties if they don't or else the companies will go under without a bailout. it's not a thing that you can do 50% or 175%. you need 100% for this to work. >> this is what hillary clinton said last night. i movie we have to get through that election. >> you can imagine they are saying that outloud? they don't even care
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anymore. >> we will follow it. the latest poll has approval for the president on healthcare at 36% below his job approval rating. that's it for the panel. but stay tuned to hear a change in tune, possibly, to the presidential anthem. to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals -- not doubt, not fear... and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. advil. so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 a month? yup. all 5 of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line, anytime, for $15 a month.
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side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exi. avoid if you te clopidogrel. for many, relief is at hand. ask your doctor abouxium. finally tonight, more than 300 people have changed a white house official to change the presidential anthem to hail to the chief to smooth by carlos santana. now the internet is weighing in with some other options. [gavel] >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. [cheers] ♪ >> god bless you. god bless the united states. ♪ >> barack obama ♪
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♪ >> my fellow americans. >> maybe smooth works. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. s that he it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. chris christie, ted cruise, marco rubio, ryan and donald trump. all the cpac crowd and one of them stealing the show. "on the record" takes to you cpac. >> our ideas are better than their ideas. and that's when we have to stand up for. >> we will bring back morning in america. >> our best days as a country are ahead of us, not behind us. and on elections day. we're going to win. >> we have such unbelievable potential. we have to use it. we need the right leaders. >> greta, we're at cpac, the conservative political action conference. it's the largest gathering of conservatives in the country. >> i always love coming to cpac. it's one of the highlights of the year. >> today a han